woensdag 19 september 2012

Tutorial: Studded jacket

Hi guys! 
Without a doubt, you've all noticed the current studs and spikes craze that's been going on in almost every fashion collection, and it doesn't seem like this trend is going to fade any time soon. If you don't want to spend a huge amount of money on designer pieces, you can very easily make your own studded fashion item. For this tutorial, we have chosen to make our own spiked leather jacket, as seen in the collection of Balmain. 

Step 1
First of all, you'll need to get yourself a good priced leather jacket. We have chosen this black silhouette from Bershka, which was about €90.

Step 2
Next up, you will of course need some spikes to apply to the jacket of your choice. We ordered ours online on Studs and Spikes.

Step 3
Time for studding! First, use a dart awl to make tiny holes into the leather. The most important thing to keep in mind is to do this evenly in order to create a nice straight spike pattern. Once the holes are made, you need to insert the top of the spike and screw it on top of the backside. To secure, use a screwdriver to tighten the spikes so they will stay in place. 

The result
If you followed the steps correctly, this should be the result! The process itself is fairly easy to do, but keep in mind that it might take about an hour to complete the whole piece. We hope you like it! 


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Oelala girls, what a jacket!
    Goeie studs ook, veel beter dan die waarbij je hoekjes moet omplooien; ziet er altijd zo slordig uit...

    Good luck!! X
